Note: This Action key only works on Photoshop 7.
and after that, you can easily do it.
How to Add ATN file on Photoshop Action.
Step 1: Open Photoshop, go to Window section
Step 2: Click on Actions.
Step 3: Click on ">>>" This Icon, Next click on "Load Action"
1. If you need 12 copies of photos in 4x6 paper without stroke effect then Press F2 (Fn+F2 if you are using laptop)
2. If you need 12 copies of photos in 4x6 paper with stroke effect then Press F3 (Fn+F3 if you are using laptop)
3. If you need 42 copies of photos in A4 paper without stroke effect then Press F4 (Fn+F4 if you are using laptop)
4. If you need 42 copies of photos in A4 paper with stroke effect then Press F5 (Fn+F5 if you are using laptop)
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